SDCOE/QPI Office/CVUSD “Let’s Read Together”

We have been working for a couple of years now in QPI on effectively engaging the fathers of our middle eastern preschoolers in learning how to support their students early school experiences and readiness for kindergarten.  Our preschool community liaison, Firas Alnaqeeb, had an idea.  Why not offer the literacy workshop provided by SDCOE/QPI, a meal, childcare and a soccer match?  His first attempt on a week day afternoon was somewhat successful; however, input from dads was “we will come for a Saturday workshop”. We got permission to use the Lexington field on a Saturday morning, Firas ordered middle eastern food instead of pizza and got the word out to our preschool dads at Lexington, Chase, Anza and Meridian.  There have been 3 very successful Saturday workshops since the initial weekday workshop.  At this last workshop, 29 adults attended and 30 children. More moms are also attending now.

This  great video from Firas puts a picture to all that I am trying to describe. It demonstrates how successful parent engagement can be when you hit the right combination: know your audience, listen and meet parents where they are.

It also helps to collaborate with colleagues and other district departments. A big thank you to the following supporters:
SDCOE/QPI Office for providing support and training on the early literacy “Let’s Read Together” curriculum (which Firas and Graciela, our other liaison, attended), providing all the materials and the featured book to give away
Jeremy Lyche who made sure we had access to the field on Saturday mornings
Eyal and the FACE office team for supporting Firas in his efforts and covering some of the additional costs – including additionalparent incentives
The CSPP office staff for helping secure child care
Maxine Willey for always making sure everything was ready and who facilitated behind the scenes so Firas could concentrate on delivering the workshops
We can do great things with teamwork and combining resources!
Ginny Pinkerton
Early Childhood Programs

Cajon Valley Secures County-Wide Settlement Agreement from SDCOE re: “MITI” (PeopleSoft)

With support of the Cajon Valley Union School District Governing Board, The Cajon Valley Union School District (CVUSD) took the lead in negotiating a countywide settlement agreement between the San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) and all 41 San Diego County School Districts.  We asked Peter Fagen to assist with examining contracts, documents, and a long list of performance/service failures that surfaced over the course of several years.  David Miyashiro and Brian Marshall (La Mesa/Spring Valley) negotiated a 25% refund of implementation costs for each district, a stop payment of maintenance fees for two years, and a reconstitution of the service agreement moving forward.  Also negotiated in this agreement was a reimbursement of all attorney fees accrued in relation this this settlement by SDCOE.  Total amount anticipated from the settlement agreement for CVUSD is upwards of $300,000.00.  A portion of this settlement award will be set aside for a strategic planning tour and the remaining balance will augment our one-time fund expenditure budget.

In 2013, as part of its Modernization, Improvement, and Transformation Initiative (“MITI”), SDCOE expressed the desire to implement a County-wide Enterprise Resource Planning (“ERP”) system, called PeopleSoft.  SDCOE intended to modernize systems across the County – which previously varied both in software type and functionality – in order to allow SDCOE to provide human capital management to the County’s school districts.  SDCOE endeavored to provide a County-wide, fully functioning, integrated ERP solution to replace existing software systems throughout San Diego County for and with County school districts in an effort to provide greater ease of use and more consistent monitoring and oversight from SDCOE.

In order to commence implementation, SDCOE and County school districts entered into a series of Memorandums of Understanding and Memorandums of Agreement (“Prior MITI MOUs”).   Pursuant to the Prior MITI MOUs, each of the participating County school districts were required to contribute two forms of payment to SDCOE: initial one-time implementation costs and continuing annual maintenance, upgrade, and support fees.

SDCOE’s MITI Implementation continues to develop functionality to be fully implemented as promised in the original ERP scope included in County school districts’ Prior MITI MOUs.  As such, SDCOE did not foresee or forewarn County school districts that there may be unanticipated additional costs associated with the MITI implementation, such as the funding of new positions, training, and overtime expenses to ensure compliance with required deadlines.

County school districts and SDCOE have mutually determined that it is in the best interest of all parties to together to identify and resolve issues and concerns related to SDCOE’s MITI Implementation pursuant to the terms and conditions contained within this MOU.


David Miyashiro, Ed.D.



Attached are the final MOU (Settlement Agreement), Letter to Superintendents, and a breakdown of the first reimbursements paid out to the 41 districts

MOU (Final Version for All SD Districts) 8-24-17

MITI Letter to Supts

Reimbursements to Districts


CVUSD Governing Board Strategic Planning EduTour

As members of both The League of Innovative Schools (Digital Promise) and The National Council on Digital Convergence, Cajon Valley has been in the company of the most innovative and successful school districts in the United States.  One aspect all of the top districts in the county share in common is partnerships both within and surrounding their local communities.  Baltimore County Public Schools and Fraser Public Schools in Michigan are prime examples where the school district and city have collaborated on projects to elevate both the students and community at large. 

In preparation for making decisions about the future of our property on Park & Ballentyne adjacent to Cajon Valley Middle School and also to formalize a new district mission and vision statement, The Governing Board and Cabinet will be taking a small group of district stakeholders on a 5 day Edutour starting in Jacksonville Florida and ending in Fraser Michigan.  The weather will be cold and the itinerary will be intense in order to make the best use of our time.  The itinerary and list of participants can be found at the end of this post.  This trip is paid for from a portion of the settlement agreement money David Miyashiro and Brian Marshall (La Mesa-Spring Valley) secured (see story above) from the San Diego County Office of Education.  The remainder of the settlement money from the “MITI” resolution will go to augment our one-time fund account.  

We have representatives from the district office, CSEA, CVEA, and a cross-section of  principals to represent Principal’s Council.  CVUSD World of Work partner Daryl Priest will be joining us as well.  This is both a learning and working trip.  In addition to learning from Baltimore County and Fraser, we will have an opportunity to engage with a Modern Teacher Framework in Jacksonville that will help us clarify expectations of our classrooms for 2018 and beyond.  Although we have many shining examples across the district of Blended & Personalized learning, World of Work implementation, Presentation Literacy, and Digital Innovation to name a few… we are lacking a common understanding of what is expected in “All” classrooms.  The Governing Board and Cabinet plan to return from this tour with a concrete mission and vision, clear expectations of staff, and ideas to make the vacant lot adjacent to Cajon Valley Middle School something that will benefit both our students and the Cajon Valley community.  
David Miyashiro, Ed.D.


Monday, February 12

Attire: Comfort for travel

8:00am Meet at District Office for Bus Drop off at Airport

11:40am Flight Departing San Diego on Southwest, Flight 1704

1 stop, no plane change – 6 hours, 10 min flight

Arriving in Jacksonville at 8:50pm EST

9:30pm Pick up Rental Vans (3)

40 minute drive to hotel

HOTEL Check-In:

Sawgrass Marriott Golf Resort, 1000 PGA Tour Boulevard, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082


Tuesday, February 13

Attire: Business Casual

8am – 8pm National Conference on DIgital Convergence (Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner included)


Wednesday, February 14

Attire: Warmth/Comfort

5:00am Meet in hotel lobby for travel to airport  (40 minute drive to airport)

7:45am Flight departing Jacksonville (JAX) to Baltimore (BWI) on Southwest, Flight 4069

Nonstop, 1 hour, 50 min flight

Arriving in Baltimore at 9:35am

10:00am Check in with Charter Bus

11:00am Group Lunch and Discussions  (Checking on this with tour facilitators)

Tour Schedule:

12:00–12:45pm Tour of Digital Harbor Foundation

Includes a tour of Digital Harbor Foundation, an overview of their youth programming,

and a discussion of how they support school districts in the Baltimore Metro Region and beyond

Note: There is paid street parking surrounding Digital Harbor Foundation. If street parking cannot be obtained, paid parking can be found at the West Street Garage, a short walk from Digital Harbor Foundation. (40 E West St, Baltimore, MD 21230)

12:45–2:00pm Lunch and Travel to Open Works

1400 Greenmount Ave, Baltimore, MD 21202

Includes a tour of Open Works, tool demonstrations, and an opportunity to discuss the Memorandum of Understanding between Open Works and Baltimore County Public Schools.

2:00–4:00pmOpen Works Tour

1400 Greenmount Ave, Baltimore, MD 21202

Includes a tour of Open Works, tool demonstrations, and an opportunity to discuss the Memorandum of Understanding between Open Works and Baltimore County Public Schools.

4:30pm Hotel Check-in:

Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor at Camden Yards, 110 South Eutaw Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201   

6:30pm Group Dinner & Discussions


Thursday, February 15

Attire: Warmth/Comfort

9:00–9:45amFoundery Tour

101 W Dickman St, Baltimore, MD 21230

Includes a tour of The Foundery and an opportunity to discuss how their makerspace

supports educational initiatives in the Baltimore Metro region.

9:45–10:30am City Garage Tour

101 W Dickman St, Baltimore, MD 21230

Includes a tour of City Garage and an opportunity to speak with staff from various maker-oriented organizations housed within this space.

10:30am Leave for airport (Lunch at airport)

1:20pm Flight Departing Baltimore at 1:20pm on Southwest, Flight 565

Nonstop – 1 hour, 35 min flight

Arriving in Detroit 2:55pm

3:30pm Rent Vans / Meet Charter bus

4:00pm Hotel Check-In: (Down time)

TownePlace Suites Detroit Sterling Heights, 14800 Lakeside Circle Sterling Heights, MI

7:00pm Group Dinner & Discussions


Friday, February 16

Attire: Business Casual underneath w/ heavy coats, hats & gloves

Fraser Public Schools, 33466 Garfield, Fraser, Michigan 48026 (They are anticipating 5-6 school districts in attendance with over 45 visitors)

8:00-8:30am Start at Idea Lab (see attached map and address), light breakfast, registration

8:30- 9:30am Welcome/District Story/Digital Convergence LEADERSHIP AND MODERN CURRICULUM


10:45-11:30am Debrief in Fraser High School Large Group Instruction Room

Instructional Model and Digital Ecosystem

11:30-12:30pm Working Lunch – Table topics w/ Fraser staff, students, and board members

12:30-1:30pm Tours of FHS and student panel

1:30-2:00pm PROFESSIONAL LEARNING and close

2:30pm Depart for airport (Dinner at airport)

6:05pm Flight departing Detroit on Southwest, Flight 170 (1 stop)

Flight 1294 (Change planes in MDW)

Total flight time 6 hours, 35 min

Arriving in San Diego at 9:40pm

10:15pm CVUSD Bus Pick up at Airport


District Participants:


Name Title Site Florida Baltimore Michigan
1 David Miyashiro Superintendent D.O X X X
2 Ed Hidalgo Chief Innovation Officer D.O X X X
3 Jon Guertin Chief Technology Officer D.O X X X
4 Michelle Hayes Asst Supt, Personnel D.O X X X
5 Karen Minshew Asst Supt, Ed Services D.O X X X
6 Scott Buxbaum Asst Supt, Business D.O X X
7 Tamara Otero Board Member D.O X X X
8 Jo Alegria Board Member D.O X X X
9 Jill Barto Board Member D.O X X X
10 Jim Miller Board Member D.O X
11 Karen Mejia Board Member D.O X X
12 James Beard Director (M&O) D.O X X
13 Mark Reagles CSEA Union President X X X
14 Shelly Smith CVEA Union Rep X X X
15 Michelle Towns CVEA Union Rep X X X
16 Cindy Knight Principal Anza X X X
17 Greg Calvert Principal GMS X X X
18 Carmen Restrepo Principal Crest/DLA X X X
19 Maria Kehoe Principal Rios X X X
20 Jeremy Lyche Principal Lexington X X X
21 Brian Handley Principal Chase X X X
22 Mike Serban Principal Naranca X X X
23 Scott Goergens Principal LCCe X X X
24 Ryan Satterfield Principal Meridian X X X
25 Jenine Henry Director (Spec Ed) D.O X X X
26 Sharon Dobbins Director (Facilities) D.O X X
27 Karen Sapper Director (Ed Serv) D.O X X X
28 Ericka Smith Counselor D.O X X X
29 Naomie Rodrigues Exec Asst D.O X X X
30 Bethany Schwappach Data & Assessment D.O X X X

Other attendees (Paying own way):

Daryl Priest – Community Leader  (Entire trip)

Amy McCammon – WOW Consultant  (Entire trip)

Lisette Casey – Modern Teacher Rep  (Entire trip)

Karl Mueller – Coronado USD Supt  (Entire trip)

Jill Vinson – Cardiff USD (NCDC Conference only)

Julie Parker – Cardiff Principal (NCDC Conference only)

Janelle Scheftner – Cardiff Principal (NCDC Conference only)

Debbie – Cardiff Technology Coach (NCDC Conference only)