@ Blossom Valley Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Back in 2016 Blossom Valley was chosen for a site visit when the US Dept. of Ed, Digital Promise, and the League of Innovative Schools came to visit Cajon Valley. Amazing to see the growth since then! Tim Dobbins, Assistant Principal of Los Coches Creek joined principal Kirk Hoeben and me as we toured classrooms and visited with staff and students. There were a few grade levels working on projects that showed the power of teacher collaboration. We saw a Mystery Science lesson that integrated a story and lesson on the career “Technical Writer” then went right into writers’ workshop. It was obvious where planning and lesson design were done in teams.   The rewards are that all children at a grade level benefit from the ideas and strengths of multiple teachers. We also observed students being introduced to “Meet Up/Buddy Up” from the Sanford Harmony resources. Tim Dobbins shared how impressed he was by caring atmosphere and warm environment everywhere on campus. The kids perked up when they learned he was from Los Coches Creek. “I’m going there!!!” many kids shouted out with a smile.


David Miyashiro Ed.D.
