May the Cheese Be With You! (Part Deux)

Remember this great post by Ernie Ruiz back in March… Well read down to find the outcome!

This student at Meridian elementary is looking for support for his bring back the grilled cheese campaign. He was a joy to meet! Please join us on this cheesy crusade! May the cheese be with you! 

Shared by Ernie Ruiz, CVUSD Warehouse Operations Team

Part 2 (Story Continued)

Hot off the grill with this special update. The grilled cheese campaign was a success! Sabri from Meridian Elementary School sat down with the big cheese himself (Mark Mendoza) from our Child Nutrition Department to engage in negotiations. After some tough and thorough tactics exhibited by both parties the two agreed to bring back the grilled cheese sandwich to the menu starting in May. Sabri’s special team of Ladies that work in the kitchen at Meridian were an integral part of the operation. Way to go Sabri! You’ve reminded us all that the simple pleasures in life have big meanings, and you had a voice; and equally as important you were heard! Thank you Dr. Miyashiro and Mr. Mendoza for listening and allowing Sabri to have a voice.    

Thank you for sharing Ernie… and Congratulations Sabri!