W.D. Hall 3rd Grade Team Rocks @ El Cajon History Day!

On Friday, May 20, the third grade team celebrated El Cajon History Day at W.D. Hall. The students spent a couple of weeks this school-year learning about Native American history and the tribes that once lived in the region. The students also learned how El Cajon came to be and what trades/agreements took place allowing ownership of land to be passed from person to person. Third grade classes also had the opportunity to visit the Heritage of the Americas Museum at Cuyamaca College, the Olaf Wieghorst Museum, and the Knox House Museum. The unit on El Cajon History culminated with the third grade teachers hosting different events for El Cajon History Day. Students rotated from classroom to classroom where they participated in the fun activities. In one classroom, students were taught the Virginia Reel while in another they learned to write with a feather and ink. Another classroom held chalkboard math lessons and a separate classroom hosted a history-themed art project. Students also rotated to a classroom where they were taught old pioneer songs like “Oh! Susanna” and “Oh my Darling, Clementine”. The day was capped off with student participation in some historic P.E. activities such as a hula hoop race, an egg on a spoon race, and a three-legged man race. The students really seemed to enjoy themselves as can be seen by their smiles and festive outfits. Please view the shared video that recaps the event. Thank you.

Joshua Royal, M.S.

Special Day Class Teacher

W. D. Hall Elementary School