Magnolia Kindergarten OUTDOOR Classroom Campfires!

Outdoor Classroom Design

Mrs. Glah’s Strengths Based Collaborative Group Jobs

Mrs. Glah’s Outdoor Classroom Inspiration Video

David Thornburg’s work not only helped change my thinking but my classroom environment. When Amanda mentioned the outside changes happening on the Magnolia Campus I immediately knew those huge, grassy treed areas between the buildings would be the perfect next step in redesign! The students had already helped with the inside, why not the outside?

After we did our project on classroom redesign I wanted to dig deeper and incorporate some new elements. I wanted students to work together in teams this time to make an end product to present. Ed Hidalgo was gracious enough after our visit to Qualcomm to share with me more background information on what they are using at Thinkabit to guide their strength based work. I then adapted it “Kindie” style to our own Collaborative Learning Group Jobs.

Earth Day Week was the perfect launchpad and the kids had a blast with their designs. It was amazing to see them so engaged and really shine!

The next phase would be students developing fundraising strategies, utilizing community resources and grants. The actual hands on creation of the spaces is still a while down the road but at least we have a start! 

Niki Glah, Kindergarten Teacher

Magnolia Elementary School