That’s what we do @ Madison!

Madison Elementary is a microcosm of the good in the world. On any given day you can have a conversation with a child who communicates via a “talker” (an ipad with special software loaded onto it), or read an informative book about Santa written by a first grader. You can enjoy the art and artists’ statements of second graders or listen to a third grader explain the benefits of wheelchair accessible play structures. You can learn about mixed numbers from a fourth grader, or you can hear a fifth grader explain what he or she learned about designing a city from a planning engineer.

Each day Madison is busy with traditional learning, in all classrooms and support rooms. Each day Madison is also busy with some exceptional projects that highlight students’ developing 21st century skills: an art auction to raise money to purchase supplies for care packages for the homeless; designing a new play area that is both accessible and inclusive; building a solar city.

Learning, doing, learning, doing, and growing along the way – That’s what we do at Madison!

Christine Sphar, Principal
Madison Elementary School

Weird Science Rocks @ WD Hall

W.D. Hall students have been engaged in STEM/PBL units and have been having a great time learning! Students in Grades 4&5 culminated their STEM experience with Demonstrations of Learning (DOL). Guests and experts from throughout the community and district served as panelist. Third grade students were the audience as our intermediate students presented information on their Martian Base Design. Students worked through the Engineering Design Process, conducted experiments, wrote informational brochures, and created a blueprint for their Martian Base. Teams and individuals reflected on the learning experience and process which they shared in the DOLs. STEM units were collaboratively designed by grade level teachers, K-5. Kindergarten students are exploring Shapes Around the Neighborhood and building their own neighborhood. First graders are investigating From Seed to Plant and constructing a garden. Second graders are discovering animals and becoming Zoo Veterinarians. Third graders are becoming experts on Monarch Butterflies and will be building a butterfly garden with donations and support from the community. All STEM/PBL units incorporate 21st Century Skills of Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Communication as well as technology. It’s an exciting time for students at Hall!

Colleen Newman, Principal
W.D. Hall Elementary School