Innovations: “Shift Happens”


The Special Education and Pupil Services Department has planned and implemented professional development for certificated staff regarding the “Innovations” such as the following:

  • Digital devices
  • Blended Learning classrooms
  • Project Based learning
  • Smarter Balanced
  • Common Core standards
  • Other related items

The goal is to work together to identify common strands across the district which will be adjusted by program setting and school site.  For example, all resource specialist staff have the opportunity to work together to address how roles and responsibilities of staff and students will change. The RSP’s and SLP’s are working together to avoid duplication of efforts and enhance collaboration.  In addition, Special Day class teachers are working with staff that provide services to similar students, such as age and disability.

Staff will have background knowledge about the new Common Core standards and link it to the development of IEP’s, including goals and objectives.  Sample classroom schedules will be utilized to provide practical application in each respective instructional setting at the school sites.

It is a joint effort with the Educational Services staff including Carmen Restrepo, Linda Roach, and Kristen Goodrich.  Based on the expectations of the innovations, legal requirements, feedback from staff, and other factors, the journey will continue.

Wendy Vaughn Platt, Ph.D.
Special Education and Pupil Services Department